Home of the renowned Exam Insider 11 Plus Master Programme
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“Thank you Exam Insider! As a working mum I didn’t have the know-how or the time … on our own we would not have achieved our success!”

“We LOVE the detailed, step-by-step explanation of every question!”

“Thank you – we couldn’t have done it without you!”

He didn’t even want to try and sit the 11+ … now he has a place at City of London Boys!

I have just gone through your feedback with my daughter. She absolutely loved it! She was grinning like a Cheshire cat by the end and said you were like a good book, and drew her in. English is her weakest subject as things stand at the moment, but she reckons with you on her side that can change.

She loved it!! She hated verbal reasoning up until today. She enjoyed the session and was keen to solve the problems herself. Total winner!

I like the idea the pack is addressed personally to my son, so he has ownership. The material is well structured, we can look at the tutorials again and again and it can be tailored to our specific needs. The 3 teachers online make the work interesting & I can see they are passionate.

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