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Ruth Driscoll

Ruth Driscoll

Ruth has had an highly successful career in Primary Education, working across all age groups and finishing with 12 years as Headteacher in a challenging, culturally diverse London Inner-City environment. She has since gone on to become a multi-award-winning speaker and best-selling author in the area of personal development and relationship management.

Ruth’s extensive knowledge of the UK Primary Education system, combined with her exceptional interpersonal and communication skills, makes her perfectly qualified to advise and guide families on their journey from Primary to Secondary education.


Your experiences working with Schools Insider

Sherrie – Surrey

“Thank you Exam Insider! As a working mum I didn’t have the know-how or the time … on our own we would not have achieved our success!”

Sherrie - Surrey

Cristina – Surrey

“We LOVE the detailed, step-by-step explanation of every question!”

Cristina - Surrey

Layla – Berkshire

“Thank you – we couldn’t have done it without you!”

Layla - Berkshire

Perpetua – Middlesex

He didn’t even want to try and sit the 11+ … now he has a place at City of London Boys!

Perpetua - Middlesex

Frances – Surrey

My daughter said you were like a good book - and drew her in.

Frances - Surrey

Georgiana – Surrey

She hated verbal reasoning up until today. Total winner!

Georgiana - Surrey

Tracy – West Midlands

I like the idea the pack is addressed personally to my son, so he has ownership.

Tracy - West Midlands

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